October 2022 Newsletter: Two Babies Born! (And Other Encouragements)

This scenario has happened multiple times: I spend (too much) time writing my newsletter and complete it – THEN, a couple days later, something exciting happens that I wish I could have added to that newsletter!

Right after completing my September newsletter, our team got to go meet baby Mercy, recently born to Iqra and Ahmed, who chose life for her after they met my co-workers Claire and Lisbeth at Planned Parenthood a few months ago.  Ahmed, Mercy’s father, said, “She is the best thing that ever happened to me.”

Meeting baby mercy

The following week, another saved baby was born, Amari.  She was born to Turesa, who I wrote about two newsletters ago.  Amari was born 14 weeks early, so please pray for her and Turesa, though apparently she is doing better than expected for how premature she was.

Baby Amari, born 14 weeks early
To add another piece of encouraging news, our team recently went to Ohio’s first March For Life.  We brought our signs of the victims for whom we march, and were very refreshed to be surrounded by so many who support what we do.  Even pro-life people often disagree with the use of the images, but not this crowd!

At the Ohio March For Life

Lastly, my sister Katie Beth got married a week and a half ago!  I was one of her 12 bridesmaids, HAHA!  I enjoyed a few days off with my family to help prep for the wedding, and it was a very beautiful and FUN wedding!

The bride and groom's families!

Prayer Requests

- Turesa and Amari, as well as Iqra, Ahmed, and Mercy
- Two more road trips this Fall, specifically our Michigan road trip, during which we will be knocking on doors to get people to vote “no” on the proposed amendment to the Michigan constitution that would legalize abortion up to birth.

Thank you all for your prayers!  Your support means the world to me. 

From the front lines of the battle for equality,
Maggie Groover
