April 2023 Newsletter: All About the Abortion Amendment Coming to Ohio

Last month, I shared a bit about the pro-abortion amendment that people are trying to get on the ballot this November.  It would amend the Ohio constitution to allow for abortion up to the day of birth with practically zero restrictions.  It’s sneaky because it says, “abortion may be prohibited after fetal viability,” but it goes on to say, “but in no case may such an abortion be prohibited if in the professional judgement of the pregnant patient’s treating physician it is necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health.”  It turns out “life or health” is vague enough that a woman could obtain an abortion for practically any reason at all.

One guy told me, "I like your pants.  I don't like your politics."  Heehee.

Right now, there are pro-abortion workers and volunteers out all over the state of Ohio collecting signatures to get this amendment on the ballot.  Thus, we at Created Equal have already begun going out to try to dissuade people from signing.  If you live in Ohio, please let us know whenever you see someone out collecting signatures!  You can do that here: volunteer.createdequal.org.  That way our volunteers can go out immediately to talk to the collectors and those who would consider signing.  On that same website, you can create an account so that you can get access to training so that you can go out and talk to these people as well!  Please consider it, and come to me with any questions.

His sign says, "ABORTION PARTY."

Now, let me throw a few things at you about which I don’t have space to go into detail.  I went on a Road Trip For Life in April, going to four colleges in four states in four days!  I talked to a couple at Planned Parenthood and they told me they’re keeping their baby!  I got to go south for my granddad’s 90th birthday party, and also for my long-time neighbor’s wedding!

I have been so blessed by the friendships I have made at my church!

Prayer Requests
- Please pray specifically that the amendment will get busted into two issues (each issue would require its own signatures which would mean they’d have to start over with getting signatures).  Then pray they don’t get enough signatures to get it on the ballot.  Then pray that it doesn’t pass if it does get on the ballot.
- This amendment is very heavy and I am feeling very discouraged.  The stakes are high and I am genuinely scared that it will pass.  Please pray for strength for the battle, that I will not get burnt out, for fear of the Lord and not of man, and that our team will remain focused.
- Pray for the right words to say to the signature collectors.  Some are against the amendment but get paid well to collect signatures

From the frontlines of the battle for equality,
Maggie Groover


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