July 2023: Goodbye, Summer Interns!

It seems as though the summer internship just began, and yet, here we are at the end.  We have said goodbye to our dear interns and they are on to new adventures.  When I began writing this, we were on our annual intern road trip, traveling around the state of Ohio.  Usually, the intern trip is to someplace FUN and EXCITING (e.g. last year we went to D.C.), but with the amendment coming to Ohio this Fall which would legalize abortion up to birth, we are focusing our efforts here in our own state.  We just found out that the pro-abortion people got enough signatures, so the amendment will definitely be on the ballot.

We stood in protest when Protect Choice Ohio delivered their signatures to the Secretary of State to be counted.

One highlight of the internship was the Day of Action.  We got to hear from various speakers, including Haili Gusa from Protect Life Michigan, a sister organization.  She spoke on their efforts in trying to defeat the pro-abortion amendment to Michigan’s constitution last fall, and what we can do better as we fight the same thing here.

Also at the Day of Action, Mark Harrington, Created Equal’s founder and president, made the big reveal of our new mobile ultrasound van!  This is a project he’s been working on for over a year, and it’s finally complete and ready to be deployed wherever needed!  Women will be able to get an ultrasound and see their baby right inside this van (and we know how impactful images are)!

Immediately after the Day of Action, I made my way to New Jersey for a mission trip with a group from my church back home, Shiloh OPC.  I feel better equipped to share the gospel than I did before (yay!), but I haven’t had many opportunities to put it into practice, so I hope I won’t forget what I learned!  I haven’t even gotten to have many abortion conversations recently.  It's been nice to step back from conversations during the summer to give interns more practice, but I am looking forward to getting back into it.

Here are me and my siblings who were on the mission trip!

On another note, my role is changing once again!  We are taking a break from our podcast The Debrief: Pro-Life Outreach (on which I’ve been a host and producer for the most part), and instead, I am taking over as Social Media Manager for my co-worker Elijah, who is going off to college (big sad).  I’m rather nervous, as I feel incompetent in the realm of social media.

Prayer Requests
- Pray for the interns to continue faithfully in whatever God is calling them to after the summer
- Pray that we win in both August and November (vote yes in August, no in November!), that our state does NOT choose to enshrine abortion in our constitution
- Pray for boldness and opportunities for me to share the gospel
- Pray for a smooth transition into my new role at CE, that I will not get overwhelmed and will persist when I do
- Pray for perseverance these next few months as we fight this evil abortion amendment.

From the frontlines of the battle for equality,


