Welcome to Earth

It's so...HUMOROUS (if it wasn't sad) that people - like, LOTS of people - actually truly believe that when a woman is pregnant, she's not caring a human.

Like, what else would she be carrying?  And when do you think you begin?  Like...???  Huh?

I try to imagine, "What if I were wrong?  What if pro-lifers ARE crazy?"  And it just doesn't compute.

Like, pregnancy starts at this one certain point...and then the baby comes at some later point?  What?  Huh?  LOL!

I'm imagining trying to explain this to an alien who just arrived on earth, and I can see him, a puzzled look on his face, then, incredulously, "Huh?!", then he throws back his head and laughs uproariously, in utter amazement at humans.  "What silly creatures you are!"

How can it be that so many humans think this way and believe such blatant deception?  It would be hilarious, like some great big prank on humanity, if it didn't have such deadly consequences.
