Snow Scenes
Thanks to a good bout of sickness (against my will!), I had to stay home today from my first day of work, so I have had two opportunities today to watch cute scenes of people playing in the snow. Both featured a small child and an adult, both were observed out of different windows in the house in which I'm now living, and both included the small child throwing snow at the older individual, and then plopping over in the snow, very cutely.
In the first instance, the small child (SC) was behind the older individual (OI), and proceeded to throw snow at OI, who was walking away. Perhaps I should say SC attempted to throw snow at OI, because he certainly didn't succeed. For all I know, OI never even knew she was targeted by SC. OI walked behind a shed, out of my eyesight and I didn't see her again, but what I did see actually made me laugh out loud.
SC, having failed at his mission, just kind of...fell over, in the snow, kind of sideways, and just lay there for a minute before getting up again. I was delighted at this display of cuteness, and then, having gotten my fill, I left the room.
The second snow scene to store away in my box of miniature happy memories, happened hours later. A father (F) and son (S) were playing in their front yard. S was wrapping his arms and legs around one of F's legs and F playfully shook him off. Then S began chasing F and in doing so, he swept up a handful of snow and threw it at F, and I'm not sure if he missed or not. Next thing, I think S playfully attacked F and the two of them promptly fell over in the snow together.
A few minutes later I saw them shoveling snow, and then S again plopped over, stomach first on the pile of snow. I was once again delighted.
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