August 2022 Newsletter - Two Babies Saved?

With the way the Planned Parenthood (PP) here is laid out, we have 3 places we stand: front, side, and back. This certain day, I happened to be standing at the front. As a car began to drive into PP’s entrance, I approached, ready to offer them the booklet of information we offer to all the moms going in. I told them about the pro-life pregnancy center across the street, and it took hardly any convincing to get this couple to go over! And then I got to walk them in!

Having never before walked anyone into the pregnancy center, I was giddy with excitement. Unfortunately, I forgot to ask how far along the woman was, or if she was even pregnant. For all I know, they may have just made a mistake of address, intending to go into the pregnancy center all along. So this story may not be as exciting as it seems, but it was exciting still.

We have been doing a thing recently where we offer a “blessing bag” to the women when we're sidewalk counseling outside PP. I gave one of these bags to them, and I am rather sure that inside it was a card written from me with my phone number in it, so I was hoping I might hear from them again, but I haven't, and I didn’t see them again after I took them into the pregnancy center, so I don't know their story or what happened with them.

Now for a bonified baby save story. 😊 The same day, there was another woman, Turesa, who actually did go into Planned Parenthood, and then she went over to the pregnancy center. As she and her daughter were in the driveway of the pregnancy center, ready to drive out, she called to me, asking what we could do for her. I think she was skeptical that we offer any real help, but I tried to explain for her what we can do, and I called my coworker Isaac over to explain better.

She and Isaac exchanged phone numbers right there, and she and Isaac have been in contact since! She is 5 months along and she has 3 daughters besides the one inside her. Isaac and his fiancé, Mya (another co-worker of mine) actually got to go out with her and find out what her specific needs are. I am excited we get to help her!

On a different note, go watch Created Equal’s recent YouTube video of one of my outreach conversations where I had a mind-change!  It’s called, “Incredible Mind Change on Abortion |What convinced Her?”

Prayer requests

- Fall road trips coming up - I am on 3 or 4 of them! I'm excited, but it will be a busy, probably exhausting several weeks.
- High school outreach is starting back up (yay!) - pray for soft hearts.

As always, thank you all (from the pit of my heart!) for your faithful prayers and support. Y'all are a huge blessing.


From the frontlines of the battle for equality,

Maggie Groover
