July 2022 Newsletter - Roe v. Wade is DEAD!

Staff and interns hold signs in front of the Supreme Court

Are you jumping up and down on your couches?  Are you singing in the kitchen?  Are you shouting from the rooftops?  If you're like me, you're more stunned in silence at the surrealness of it. Roe v. Wade is no longer standing, thanks to the ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson.  The fight has returned to the state level! At the time it happened, my team was all gathered together in Columbus for our Day of Action (an annual training & outreach event), so they all found out together – amazing, right?!  And where was I, you ask?  I was still on vacation with my family, and at that very moment, I was on my way with my parents to look at a car to buy, which I did end up buying!

Since I now had my own car, I drove straight from vacation to DC, where I met up with the team for a week of outreach (and sight-seeing) in our nation’s capital.  We were not there on the day Roe was overturned, but we were standing outside the Supreme Court three days later, Monday!  We did outreach at a few other locations that week as well.

Intern Elise engages with a woman outside the White House

Following the overturning, Brett Kavanaugh wrote, “The Court’s decision properly leaves the question of abortion for the people and their elected representatives in the democratic process.”  Let’s be clear, y’all: the question of whether it’s okay to kill a child in the womb is not something to be left to the people or their representatives.  It should be treated the same way other types of murder are treated: completely illegal no matter anyone’s opinion.  However, this decision to overturn Roe v. Wade is a monumental step towards full equality for all preborn children.

Many have asked me how our work at Created Equal will change with the overturning of Roe v. Wade, and really, it doesn’t change much.  CE has always had a mission to reach the hearts of individuals on abortion, and that is exactly what we must continue to do in this post-Roe world.  However, we will increase travels to more abortion-friendly states.

Our summer internship came to a close last week, but this is a time we and the interns alike will remember for a long time, the summer a curse was lifted from our nation.  Praise the Lord. 😊

Our team in DC!

Prayer requests
- Continued perseverance in the work, for us and the interns
- That abortion will be made illegal and unthinkable everywhere, that this news will have ripple effects and cause people to reconsider whether abortion is actually okay (law acts as a teacher!)
- That Christians who previously have been silent or inactive against abortion will now join the fight

From the front lines of the battle for equality,

Maggie Groover

ALL my siblings at the beach!
