Sure, Abortion Is Wrong, But...

I think it's the devil attacking me.  Thoughts have been creeping into the tune of, "Yes, definitely, abortion is wrong, no doubt about that (because scientifically, abortion kills a human being and it's wrong to kill innocent humans), BUT, is it really the worst issue going on right now? Is it really worth spending my whole life/career fighting against?

The victims of abortion will never know what's done to them; they're too young, not developed enough, to anticipate the pain or feel sad emotions or realize what's going on.

So yeah, there's no getting around the fact that abortion is wrong, but shouldn't it be more important to fight evils that affect those who actually realize what's being done to them? Those people are suffering in a more real way: they know the suffering, feel the suffering, experience the suffering through their emotions.

Preborn children don't have memories yet, some can't feel pain yet, and they don't have emotions to attach to their suffering yet, so they don't experience the horror of abortion to the same degree that victims of other evils experience the horror of that evil.

In short, the victims of abortion are not developed enough to care about the plight they are in or what happens to them.  So why should we care so much about defending them, especially when there are so many other evils out there that affect people who actually know the suffering they experience as a result of those evils?!

Plus, if babies go to heaven when they die, as many believe, it's better for them that they get aborted anyway.

* * *

It's a little alarming writing all that out. I do believe it's the devil whispering thoughts like those into my head to try to neutralize me, but I also believe God can providentially use that, an evil work of the devil, for His good purposes, as He often does, and that this will help me understand where other people are coming from, specifically Christians who are inactive against abortion, and this will help me in my interactions with those people.

And now, here are my responses to those creeping thoughts.

1.  No matter how much the babies don't realize what's happening to them, they still ought to be protected, just as much as oppressed people who do know what's happened to them ought to be protected.

2.  Abortion affects more than just the babies in that, if the babies are not equal to us, no one is equal* and in fact, equality is a myth.

*Because we differ from preborn children in all the same ways we differ from each other: size, level of development, environment, and degree of dependency.

 3.  If babies who die do all go to heaven, that is another example of God bringing good out of something that is evil, but it is not an excuse to sit back and let the evil continue.
