June 2022 Newsletter - Summer Internship Has Begun!


We have fourteen wonderful interns with us this summer, three of whom are second-years!  In the above picture, you see our staff, our 14 interns, and a group from Tiny Heartbeats Ministry, an organization out west with whom we work closely, and who came out for the first week of the summer internship.

Already our interns have endured cold (for June!) and extremely hot temperatures (real feel of 103°).  While at Planned Parenthood on one of the hottest days, I was praying, asking God to help us remember no matter what we go through, it is worth it.  We are soldiers in a war, and soldiers don’t complain at the hardship, we do it willingly and joyfully.

Interns stand behind banners showing abortion over an overpass

We'd appreciate prayer as we head off to Washington, DC, at the end of June.  It will be hot again and we just might be there when the Roe decision comes down, which will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience!

On my family's group chat recently, we were talking about how Groovers don't know how to leave margin in our schedules...  Case in point: Immediately before we take off for DC (think: eleven hours), I'll be getting back into Columbus from my family's beach trip.  And on top of that, I'm looking for a new car because I um...crashed Francesca, my other car.  (I recently visited friends in TN and I told them I would be a wreck that week...I didn't mean it literally.  The crash happened the next morning.  Yes, I am doing fine.)

Intern Livvy talks to a man during outreach downtown

In the office, I’ve been working on a couple of graphics for social media that feature abortion victim images.  I don’t usually have too hard a time looking at the pictures, but it has been difficult recently.  I’ve had to break down and cry sometimes, still shocked that this is legal.  I hope I never stop being shocked.

Prayer Requests
Car buying process – wisdom!
Upcoming travels – both the beach and DC
DC trip – safety, usefulness for the kingdom, energy levels

Intern Mae and others show abortion outside of Planned Parenthood

I've been memorizing Psalm 16, and it reminds me that for all my ups and downs, there is always steady comfort and truth in God's word, and that keeps me grounded.  Thank y’all for your prayers!

From the front lines of the battle for equality,


Intern Ethan talks to a young man during outreach downtown
