March 2022 Newsletter - Justice Ride 2022 Is In the Books!

209.  That’s how many minds were changed during the Justice Ride.  209 individuals who used to be for abortion or on the fence now see that abortion is a great evil.  Praise be to God.  I hope, pray, and believe that will translate to even more people reached with the truth and many lives saved! 

I’m so proud of the 60+ students who came on this trip (see above!), many of them first-timers, to join us in showing the horrible truth of abortion!  We went to 3 major universities, plus two high schools and an abortion clinic over the course of a week in Florida.  My role was photography for the most part but I also got to talk to people (my favorite part)!

One thing I love about this work is that we get to meet so many kinds of people with all kinds of backgrounds.  I don’t love that my job is necessary, but I do love my job, so far!  While I didn’t have any conversations on the Justice Ride that resulted in on-the-spot mind changes, I at least got a few people thinking.  The picture below shows me (and one the Justice Riders, Ella) talking to a college student named Aza.  During our lengthy conversation, he told me he thinks babies become human at birth.  I asked him what changes from before birth to after, and he paused and smiled, “I never asked that question.  That’s a really deep one.”  A flower may not have emerged yet, but I pray a seed was planted. :)

Another student told a member of our team during the Justice Ride, “If these pictures really show what abortion is, then it is definitely terrible.”   This is why we show abortion.

Last newsletter, I mentioned I would be on an episode of Created Equal’s podcast, The Debrief.  The episode is called “’So I Murdered It,’” and it’s heavy, but worth a listen.

Before I moved up here, when I would imagine being somewhat settled in, this is the time of year I would think of: mid-March; and here we are!  Friends are abundant, time is little, brains are bursting, and God is faithful.

Thank you for your prayers and support!  Blessings on each one of you, friends!

I got to go home for my birthday this month!
