Justice Ride Conversations, Part 1
The organization I now work for, Created Equal, does this thing called the Justice Ride. They convince a bunch of highschool-age-ish kids to sign up, plop 'em in some pro-life apologetics training, throw 'em on a bus, drive 'em down to Florida for a week, and put 'em on college campuses and other places where they get on-the-ground experience talking to people about abortion, using our abortion victim images, in hopes of changing minds to be against abortion.
These Justice Rides are based on the Freedom Rides of the 1960s, and it's pretty radical, dude. I got to experience my first Justice Ride last week! We had 209 confirmed mind changes over the course of the week; that means 209 individuals who previously thought that abortion, the killing of innocent preborn children, was okay, who now understand that it is a great moral evil, not acceptable in any circumstances. I hope, pray, and believe that it will cause a ripple effect and will translate to many, many lives saved from abortion.
I didn't get any of those above mentioned mind changes, but I still had several interesting conversations or interactions that I'd like to share. I began writing them down today using my Gopro footage, and it got super duper long, so this will be a series.
Let's start with some short ones. Keep in mind these are mostly negative. That does not mean our work is not effective. As long as we stand against the status quo, there will be haters.
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A couple girls walked by a sign that says “preborn human” at the top. “There’s like a word for that,” one of them said, before continuing a second later, “a fetus.”
Jocelyn (one of our Justice Riders) asked an older woman her thoughts on abortion, and the woman replied in an undertone of anger, “I’m pro-abortion.”
“Do you think it’s okay to kill children?” asked Jocelyn.
“I’m from a country that had banned abortion for fifty years, and I know what I’m talking about.”
Two girls walked by, and one said, “Now I’m gonna get pregnant just to get an abortion.”
A girl student, referring to a preborn child, yelled as she passed by, “And if that baby grew up, it would get an abortion if it wanted to!” (She had said something else right before, which I didn’t hear.)
A young man said he doesn’t know what
he thinks about abortion, so I asked, “What’s your initial impression of
a picture like this?”
“That’s bad,” he replied. We talked for several minutes,
at the end of which he still wasn’t sure when preborn children become
human and said he thinks the morality of abortion depends on the
“You’re insulting to women,” one female student told us.
And let's finish up with a positive: A female student came up to us and took a brochure and was intently looking it over. When Katt (another Justice Rider) asked her if she ever thinks this is okay, she said, “Nooo. It’s so crazy."
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