February 2022 Newsletter - Greetings From Columbus, Ohio!

Of all the ways to start my time with Created Equal!  Sick as a dog!  Hence, I did not go into the office for my first week here.  Thankfully I was on the mend just in time to travel with the team to Washington, DC for the March for Life.  Instead of marching with the crowd, we set up along the side with our Jumbotron showing the gruesome reality of abortion and representing the victims at their own march.

Only a week later (?!), immediately after my first experience on an Operation Overpass in 22-degree weather (brrr), I made a harrowing trek through a snowstorm on back, mountain roads (my own, foolish decision, but it made for a good story!) back down south for the weekend to visit family for my Granddad’s birthday celebration.  My near-death experience made it all the more splendid!

I’ve also gotten to do outreach at high schools and Planned Parenthood.  I recently met a young man at PP named Christian (ironically) who is heavy on my heart.  He brought his girlfriend for an abortion and claimed to be a Christian and even said that them killing their child was wrong, and at least 3 times, he called himself a murderer, but there was no remorse.  We talked for a long time and he walked away unchanged, as far as I could tell.  Please pray for him.

At the office, I’ve been learning Photoshop, creating graphics for social media.  As someone who hates the learning-before-getting-good-at-it process in almost any context, frustrations have run high, and tears have been shed.  I’m definitely making progress though! 😊

I’m excited that as part of my job, I get to use my artistic skills and hand-sketch pictures sometimes, which I then scan and use for graphics.  It’s a welcome break from staring at a screen all the time.  Speaking of screens, I feel very fancy because I have not one, not two, but THREE screens at work.

Coming up at the end of this month is something the Created Equal team looks forward to all year: the Justice Ride!  I am particularly eager as this will be my first time.  Currently we have around 60 students signed up to travel with us to Florida, where they will get to talk to people about abortion on college campuses and at persuade women not to kill their preborn children at abortion clinics.  More on that next time!

In other news, since arriving here, I have seen more snow than I knew existed.  They tell me it doesn’t usually snow this much, but I’m skeptical.  Also I’ve discovered I have no blooming idea how grown-ups have full-time jobs AND kids AND keep up with all the to-dos.  Like, how???

I'm living with a couple here in Columbus who are so very nice and parent-y.  And I'm going to a wonderful OPC church where I have felt so welcomed.

I value y’all’s prayers and support and I pray for each of you as well.  Please feel free to reach out to me any time!

